Terms of Use & Privacy Policy

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy Privacy Policy


수탁업체, 대표, 총괄담당, 연락처, 위탁내용, 보유 및 이용기간, 관리현황 점검결과로 구성된 표
【Indication of major personal information processing (labeling)】
개인정보 보호법 제2조에 따른 개인정보(살아 있는 개인에 관한 정보) 표시 이미지

General personal information collection

※Please check the main text of the personal information processing policy for details.

개인정보의 처리목적(개인정보를 수집·이용하는 목적) 표시 이미지

Purpose of processing personal information

개인정보의 보유기간 표시 이미지

Retention period of personal information

개인정보의 제3자 제공(정보주체로부터 수집한 정보를 제3자에게 제공) 표시 이미지

Provision of personal information

개인정보 처리 업무의 위탁(개인정보 처리자의 업무를 처리할 목적으로 개인정보가 수탁자에게 이전)표시 이미지

Processing consignment

고충사항 처리 부서(개인정보 보호업무 및 관련 고충사항을 처리하는 부서의 명칭, 전화번호 등 연락처)표시 이미지

Grievance department

Proviso Clause for Personal Information Processing Policy of Creative Economy Innovation Center and Creative Economy Innovation

"Membership and log-in information will be integrated with the Center for Creative Economy and Innovation, so the Creative Economy Innovation Center follows the personal information processing policy of Center for Creative Economy and Innovation."

Center for Creative Economy and Innovation Service ('https://ccei.creativekorea.or.kr', hereinafter 'Center for Creative Economy and Innovation') protects the personal information of the data subject pursuant to Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act. In addition, it has the following processing policy to deal with quickly and smoothly the relevant problems. 'Center for Creative Economy and Innovation' will notify users through the site announcement (or individual notice) when revising the personal information processing policy.

1. Purpose of processing personal information, processing and holding period of personal information, items of personal information to be processed 개인정보의 처리목적(개인정보를 수집·이용하는 목적) 표시 이미지 개인정보의 보유기간 표시 이미지 개인정보 처리 처리항목 표시 이미지

The purposes of processing personal information files registered and disclosed by ‘Center for Creative Economy and Innovation’ in accordance with Article 32 of the Personal Information Protection Act are as follows.

1. Homepage membership and member management
Personal information is processed for the purpose of identification, authentication, maintenance & management of membership, prevention of unauthorized use of service, various notices, grievance settlement, etc., which are accompanied by confirmation of signing up and membership service provision.
2. Civil Complaints Treatment
Personal information is processed for the purpose of identification, authentication, maintenance &management of membership, prevention of unauthorized use of service, various notices, grievance settlement, etc., which are accompanied by confirmation of signing up and membership service provision.
3. Service provision
Personal information is processed for the purpose of providing services and content such as participation in the service *, notification of progress, connection with the service **, provision of personalized services, and personal authentication.
* All the services of the creative economy, such as suggestions of ideas and conversations with mentors The services connected by SSO (Single Sign On) with Center for Creative Economy and Innovation including
** the Creative Economy Dream Enter and Innovation Center, the Intellectual Property Transaction Information Center, the Research and Development Performance Support Center, the Defense Technology Exchange Market, the Mirian, the Science and Technology Information Council, the Future Technology Space, and the Infinite Imagination Room
B. Treatment of Civil Complaints
Personal information is processed for the purpose of confirming the identity of the complainant, confirming the civil complaint, contacting for the factual investigation, notification, and notification of the processing result.
C. Service provision
Personal information is processed for the purpose of providing services and content such as participation in the service *, notification of progress, connection with the service **, provision of personalized services, and personal authentication.
* All the services of the creative economy, such as suggestions of ideas and conversations with mentors The services connected by SSO (Single Sign On) with Center for Creative Economy and Innovation including
** the Creative Economy Dream Enter and Innovation Center, the Intellectual Property Transaction Information Center, the Research and Development Performance Support Center, the Defense Technology Exchange Market, the Mirian, the Science and Technology Information Council, the Future Technology Space, and the Infinite Imagination Room
D. Use in Marketing and Public Relations
Personal information is processed for the purpose of development of new services and provision of personalized services, provision of information and participation opportunities for events and promotions, verification of service validity, confirmation of access frequency, or statistics on using service of members.
* All the services of the creative economy, such as suggestions of ideas and conversations with mentors The services connected by SSO (Single Sign On) with Center for Creative Economy and Innovation including
** the Creative Economy Dream Enter and Innovation Center, the Intellectual Property Transaction Information Center, the Research and Development Performance Support Center, the Defense Technology Exchange Market, the Mirian, the Science and Technology Information Council, the Future Technology Space, and the Infinite Imagination Room

Name of personal information file Evidence Collection method Personal information recorded in personal inform Retention period
Creative Economy Innovation Center membership Information subject consent Home page (Necessary)Name, Member ID, Password, E-mail, Gender, Date of Birth, Cell Phone, Address Upon membership withdrawal

※ For more detailed disclosure of personal information files in 'Center for Creative Economy and Innovation', please visit the comprehensive support portal for privacy protection (www.privacy.go.kr) of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (→Personal Information Civil Complaint →Request of Personal Information Access →Using the Personal Information File List Search Menu).

2. Registration and disclosure of personal information files 개인정보 보호법 제2조에 따른 개인정보(살아 있는 개인에 관한 정보) 표시 이미지

A. Personal information is provided to third parties only if there is consent from the data subject and it falls under Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

B. The 'Center for Creative Economy and Innovation', in principle, treats the personal information of the data subject within the specified range for the purpose of collection and use. Except for the following cases, personal information shall not be processed or provided to a third party beyond the range of the original purpose without prior consent of the data subject.

  • ① If there is separate consent from the data subject
  • ② If there are special regulations in other laws
  • ③ If the data subject or its legal representative is unable to give his/her consent, or cannot obtain prior consent, such as an unknown address and if it is clearly the case where it is deemed necessary for the interests of the data subject or the third party for the immediate life, body, and property
  • ④ If the works prescribed in other laws cannot be carried out because personal information is used or not provided to a third party for purposes other than the purpose, and if the consideration and decision of the protection committee is passed
  • ⑤ If personal information needs to be provided for the implementation of treaties and other international agreements or to foreign governments and international organizations
  • ⑥ When necessary for cooperation and maintenance of crime investigation
  • ⑦ When necessary for court proceedings
  • ⑧ When necessary for the execution of penalty, preventive custody, and protective disposition

3. Matters pertaining to consignment of personal information processing 개인정보 처리 업무의 위탁(개인정보 처리자의 업무를 처리할 목적으로 개인정보가 수탁자에게 이전)표시 이미지

A. 'Center for Creative Economy and Innovation' shall comply with the laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information through consignment business contracts in accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act when concluding the contract. It stipulates matters concerning the prohibition of processing of personal information other than the purpose of carrying out the entrusted business, matters concerning administrative and technical protection measures of personal information, matters concerning safety management of personal information, and so on. In addition, it also tries to manage these matters to be well observed.

B. 'Center for Creative Economy and Innovation' consigns personal information to improve the service as follows. In addition, it stipulates necessary matters so that personal information can be safely managed in consignment contracts in accordance with related laws and regulations. The personal information consignment processing agencies and consignment services of "Center for Creative Economy and Innovation" are as follows.

4. Matters concerning the rights and obligations of the information subject and legal representative and methods of exercising them 정보주체의 권리의무 이미지 법적의무사항 법정대리인 이미지

  • ① The information subject can exercise rights such as viewing, correcting, deleting, and suspending the processing of personal information provided by the Korea Institute of Entrepreneurship and
       Entrepreneurship Development
      ※ Requests to view personal information regarding children under the age of 14 must be made directly by the legal representative, and if the information subject is a minor over the age of 14,
          the minor may exercise his or her rights regarding the personal information of the information subject. You may also exercise your rights through a legal representative.
  • ② You can exercise your rights to the Korea Startup & Startup Promotion Agency in writing, e-mail, facsimile (FAX), etc. in accordance with Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the
       Personal Information Protection Act, and the Korea Startup & Startup Promotion Agency will take action without delay.
  • ③ Rights can also be exercised through an agent, such as the information subject's legal representative or a person authorized to do so. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney in the form
       of Annex No. 11 of the “Notice on Personal Information Processing Methods (No. 2020-7).”
  • ④ Requests to view and suspend personal information processing may limit the information subject's rights pursuant to Article 35, Paragraph 4 and Article 37, Paragraph 2 of the Personal
       Information Protection Act.
  • ⑤ Requests for correction or deletion of personal information cannot be requested if the personal information is specified as the subject of collection in other laws and regulations.
  • ⑥ The Korea Entrepreneurship Development Institute verifies whether the person making the request, such as a request for access, a request for correction or deletion, or a request for suspension
       of processing, is the person or a legitimate agent in accordance with the information subject's rights.

5. Department that receives and processes requests to view personal information 법적의무사항 열람청구 이미지

  • ①The information subject may request access to personal information in accordance with Article 35 of the 「Personal Information Protection Act」. Kised promptly processes requests to view personal information from information subjects.

A company in charge of receiving
and processing personal information requests
The person in charge Contact
Department of Local Startups Ho-Jeong Yun 044-410-1892
  • ② In addition to the viewing request department in Paragraph 1, the information subject may request viewing of personal information through the ‘Personal Information Portal (www.privacy.go.kr)’ as follows.
    ※ Claim procedure: Access to personal information portal (www.privacy.go.kr) ▷ Personal service ▷ Exercise of information subject rights ▷ Request for personal information viewing, etc. (identification required)

6. Procedure and method of destroying personal information 개인정보 처리 파기 이미지

The 'Center for Creative Economy and Innovation', in principle, destroys without delay the personal information for which the purpose of personal information processing has been achieved. The procedures, deadlines, and methods of destruction are as follows.
  • ① Destruction procedure
    - Personal information is immediately transferred to a separate space after it fulfills its purpose and is destroyed after a certain period of storage in accordance with internal policies and other relevant laws and regulations.
    Personal information that is moved into a separate space is not used for any other purpose unless it is provided for by law.
  • ② Destruction period & method
    - If personal information becomes unnecessary due to reasons such as the expiration of the possession period, the achievement of the purpose, or the abolition of the relevant business, it shall be destroyed without delay.
    For personal information in the form of electronic files, technical methods that can not be reproduced are applied. Personal information printed on paper is either crushed by a pulverizer or destroyed by incineration.

7. Matters concerning measures to ensure the stability of personal information 법적의무사항 안전성 확보 이미지

'Center for Creative Economy and Innovation' takes the following measures to ensure the security of personal information.
  • ① Minimization of personal information handling staff and education of them
    - Personal information handling staff is designated and managed only when necessary. In addition, education for safe management is carried out for the handling staff.
  • ② Support of access to personal information
    - The necessary measures are being taken to control access to personal information through the granting, modification, and cancellation of access rights to the database system handling personal information, and unauthorized access from outside is controlled using an intrusion prevention system.
  • ③ Storage of access records
    - The records (weblogs, summary information, etc.) connected to the personal information processing system are stored and managed for at least six months.
  • ④ Encryption of personal information
    - Personal information is securely stored and managed through encryption. In addition, a separate security function is used such that important data is encrypted and used in storage and transmission.
  • ⑤ Installation of the security program and periodical check and update
    - A security program is installed and periodically updated and checked to prevent personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or computer viruses.
  • ⑥ Access control to unauthorized persons
    - A separate physical storage site for the personal information system, where personal information is stored, is prepared, and control procedures for entering and leaving the site are established and operated.

8. Remedy for infringement of rights of information subject 법적의무사항 권익침해 구제 이미지

The personal data subject may apply for dispute resolution or counseling to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee and the Personal Information Infringement Report Center of the Korea Internet & Security Agency in order to relieve the damage caused by personal information infringement.
  • - Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee: (without area code) 118 (privacy.kisa.or.kr)
  • - Personal Information Infringement Report Center: (without area code) 118 (privacy.kisa.or.kr)
  • - Cybercrime investigation unit of Supreme Prosecutors' Office: 02-3480-3571 (cybercid@spo.go.kr)
  • - National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center: 1566-0112 (www.netan.go.kr)
    In addition, a person whose rights or interests are infringed due to the disposition or omission done by the head of a public organization with regard to the request of the data subject for viewing, correcting, deleting, and stopping processing the personal information may request an administrative appeal as provided by the Administrative Appeals Act.
  • - Refer to the telephone number of the Central Administrative Trial Committee (www.simpan.go.kr)

9. Contact information, including the name and phone number of the person in charge of personal information protection, or the name and phone number of the department that handles personal information protection work and related grievances 개인정보보호 책임자 이미지 법적의무사항 고충사항 처리 부서(개인정보 보호업무 및 관련 고충사항을 처리하는 부서의 명칭, 전화번호 등 연락처)표시 이미지

The Center for Creative Economy and Innovation is responsible for the affairs related to the handling of personal information, and designated a person responsible for the protection of personal information as follows for the handling of complaints and damage relief of information subjects related to personal information processing. contact the person in charge of personal information protection and the department in charge of personal information protection related to all personal information protection related inquiries, complaints, and damage relief caused by using the services (or business) of the Center. The Center for Creative Economy Innovation will respond and handle inquiries from information entities without delay.
  • - Personal Information Protection Officer : Startups Foundation Headquarters Yoon Young-Seob(044-410-1504)
  • - The person in Charge of Personal Information Protection : Digital information office Lee Hwa-Jong(044-410-1650)
  • - The person in Charge of Personal Information Protection : Information Security Team Park Tae-Jun(044-410-1663)

10.Matters related to the installation, operation and refusal of devices that automatically collect personal information such as Internet access information files 개인정보 처리 자동화수집 이미지

personal information that is automatically received and stored
Matters regarding installation and rejection of automatic collection of user website visit information
cookie Terms
  • - Cookies are very small text files sent to the user's browser by the server used to operate the website and are stored on the hard disk of the user's computer. After that, when the user visits the website, the website server reads the contents of the cookie stored on the user's hard disk and is used to maintain the user's environment settings and provide customized services.
  • - Cookies do not automatically or actively collect personally identifiable information, and users can refuse to store or delete these cookies at any time.
cookie purpose of use
  • - It is used for optimized web service operation by identifying statistics such as visits and usage patterns and the number of users for each service and website visited by users.
cookie Installation/operation and rejection of cookies
  • - Users have the option to install cookies. Therefore, the user can allow all cookies by setting options in the web browser, check each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies.
  • - However, if you refuse to store cookies, it may be difficult to use some services that require login.
  • - How to specify whether to allow or reject cookie installation is as follows.
  •    Example: For IE
  •    ①Click the [Tools] submenu at the top of the menu.
  •    ② Click [Internet Options].
  •    ③ Click [Privacy tab].
  •    ④You can specify the desired cookie security settings in [Internet Zone Settings].
In addition to cookies, visit date and time, service use records, system logs, etc. may be automatically collected.

11. Matters regarding changes to personal information processing policy 개인정보 처리 처리방침변경 이미지

① This personal information processing policy applies from the enforcement date of July 12, 2024
Change of personal information processing policy
Major revision history Reason for change
1. Change in personal information protection officer 1. KISED Change in personal information protection officer